Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Call For Papers: Producing Culture Feb 2009


Producing Culture

A National Interdisciplinary Colloquium for Postgraduate Students

20-21 February 2009

Goldsmiths, University of London

From cave art to punk rock, ritual healing to cosmetic surgery, human activity is underpinned by a set of shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that are specific to, and bind, a social group. Producing Culture is a student-led colloquium for postgraduates that will explore the ways in which culture is manifested through and defined by social practice.

This call for papers invites students from all fields to consider the mechanisms by which culture is produced and consumed. Papers should also seek to explore the dissemination of culture as pertinent to the construction of social identity. The idea of cultural production can include (but is not limited to): the materialisation of culture through artistic practice; the construction of culture in architecture and design; the embodiment of culture through gestural system; the performance of culture through rites and ceremony; the preservation of residual cultures; the organisation of mass- or sub- cultures; cultural production as mode of domination or resistance.

Organised by the Sociology of Theatre and Performance Research Group at Goldsmiths, University of London (led by Professor Maria Shevtsova), this event will provide an opportunity for postgraduates across the UK to engage with their peers across disciplines in a challenging and supportive environment. In addition to showcasing their own research through the presentation of conference papers, students will be able to participate in roundtable discussions and panel sessions over the course of the event. This is a unique opportunity for postgraduates across the country to meet, network and exchange ideas in a truly interdisciplinary context. We welcome submissions from postgraduate research students for individual papers or practice-based presentations that do not exceed 15 minutes. Please submit your name, department, university, conference paper title and 250-word abstract to stpr.group@gmail.com. Deadline for applications is 1 December 2008. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have. We look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely, Arabella Stanger

Shanu Sadhwani

PhD Students in the Department of Drama and Theatre Arts Sociology of Theatre and Performance Research Group Goldsmiths University of London

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